Seen today at the former site of Amazing.net, 135 King Street in Northampton. The window displays have been cleared out and the open sign is gone.
Seen today at the former site of Amazing.net, 135 King Street in Northampton. The window displays have been cleared out and the open sign is gone.
Today’s Daily Hampshire Gazette reports: Instead of closing Jan. 9, as signs posted at the entrances had indicated, Amazing.Net will instead shut down after the close of business on Feb. 14. “It’s just that maintaining our large space and property has become a bit too costly, so we are considering other options,” Wainwright said. [Brandon […]
This sure put JOY into our holiday. Nearly 10 years after the Daily Hampshire Gazette reported that Capital Video wanted to expand its chain of porn shops into Northampton, “For Lease” signs have appeared in the windows of 135 King Street. We can only hope that the next use for this site will be more positive for the neighborhood. […]
Safe Passage announces its 7th annual Hot Chocolate Run in Northampton: The Hot Chocolate Run raises funds for Safe Passage, the Hampshire County organization providing shelter, counseling, and advocacy services to women and children who have experienced domestic violence. This event is Safe Passage’s largest fundraising event. We are so fortunate to have the support of thousands of […]
Capital Video’s Amazing.net porn shop in Springfield, operating since 1993, has closed. The Springfield Republican reports today: Capital Video Corp., of Cranston, R.I., decided a few weeks ago to shut down the business, Amazing.net, at 496 Bridge St., said Lesley S. Rich, general counsel for the company. “There has been a downturn in the general economy and […]
NoPornNorthampton in conjunction with Our Voices Matter is putting up over 300 posters (download full-size PDF) throughout Pioneer Valley this week. Contact Daily Hampshire Gazette/Valley Advocate Publisher Jim Foudy and ask him to drop massage/escort ads from the Valley Advocate. See also:Not For Sale Media Project: Downloadable Posters MSNBC Investigates Human Trafficking and Prostitution in the […]
Local feminists are screening films this month to raise awareness about sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Both of the following will be shown in the Media Education Foundation Community Room, 60 Masonic Street, Northampton MA. Trade Saturday, June 21, 7pmWhen 13-year-old Adriana is kidnapped by sex traffickers in Mexico, her 17-year-old brother, Jorge, sets off […]
If you walk by Capital Video’s Amazing.net porn shop at 135 King Street, you’ll see this flyer on the front door: The Elevens says it is “the area’s premier venue for independent, local, regional, national and underground performers”. We are sorry to see it partner with one of the nation’s premier sellers of media that […]
The public is invited to a presentation by Venerable Sisters Molini and Dhamma Vijaya of Nepal. These extraordinary Buddhist nuns, with doctorates in feminism, have established Dhamma Moli, a sanctuary to rescue girls from being kidnapped by sex traffickers.The presentation will take place on the evening of March 19 at the Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer […]
The public is invited to hear Robert Jensen talk about his latest book, Getting Off: Pornography & the End of Masculinity. The talk will take place at Amherst Books, 8 Main Street in Amherst, on Sunday, April 6 at 5pm.Jensen is an associate professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. […]