Partners In Health Helps Give Prostituted Women Real Choices in Malawi

Prostitution defenders like to think that most in the sex trade freely choose their work. This June 2009 article from Partners In Health tells what happens when prostituted women in Malawi are given a real choice: From “waitress” to waitress…Poverty and gender inequality are woven into these women’s life stories. Few have had the opportunity to pursue […]

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Iceland Criminalizes Strip Clubs

Object, a UK organization, has kindly given us permission to reprint the following bulletin from their Stripping the Illusion July 2009 update: case study: Iceland“We have now shown that we understand the connection between pornography, prostitution and human trafficking.” Gudrun Jonsdotti, spokesperson for Stigamot, an Icelandic sexual violence support center.“A complete victory has been achieved […]

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Adrienne Rich: “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”

Capital Video’s store in Northampton portrays itself as gay-friendly, but this is just a fig leaf over the true nature of the bulk of today’s porn industry: Adrienne Rich describes the reality in “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”, published in The Signs Reader: Women, Gender & Scholarship (The University of Chicago Press, 1983, page […]

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Not For Sale Media Project; Downloadable Posters

Artemis Fund is a non-profit organization in Western Massachusetts which works to promote the human rights of women and girls. They have kindly given us permission to reprint the following material. View the original page here. Click on the image of each poster to download a full-size PDF. Not For Sale Media Project The Not […]

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Our Poster to the Valley Advocate: “Stand up for women! Drop your Massage/Escort ads”

This week NoPornNorthampton is distributing over 300 11×17 posters throughout Pioneer Valley in conjunction with Our Voices Matter. Contact incoming Daily Hampshire Gazette/Valley Advocate publisher Jim Foudy and let him know it’s time for the Advocate to exit the escort business. For a high-resolution PDF of the poster, download it here (480KB). See also: Prostitution: […]

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Republican: “1 dead, 5 seriously injured in shooting rampage at Springfield strip club”

Today’s Springfield Republican reports: Bobianski said a caller at 1:37 a.m. reported numerous shots fired inside Club 418, a strip club, located at 453 ½ Worthington St. “Officers responded to the scene and found five people who had serious gunshot wounds and another victim who was stabbed,” Bobianski said. “All of them were inside of […]

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Polaris Project Launches

We are pleased to share this May 22 press release from the Polaris Project: Dear Supporters, Polaris Project recently launched the first official website of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC). The website provides information on the services offered by the NHTRC 24-hour hotline (1-888-3737-888), available training opportunities, and information and resources on human […]

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