Pro-Porn Activists Misuse the Law in Fresh Attempt to Suppress Anti-Porn Political Speech

Porn defenders are usually staunch advocates of the First Amendment, but when the issue is speech they don’t like, many can’t resist groping around in the legal code to find a way to shut down analysis and criticism. We encountered this last summer, when the owner of the website Cruising for Sex wrongly claimed that […]

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The New Yorker: “The Countertraffickers”

The May 5 New Yorker has an excellent article on global sex trafficking. One of the most striking aspects is the effort by sex traffickers to get victims to put a happy face on the trade. We are reminded of one of the biggest ongoing lies of porn–that women and children enjoy abuse. Here are […]

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Cincinnati: Coalition asks CityBeat to stop allowing promotion of prostitution through advertising

We don’t agree with Citizens for Community Values on some issues, but we certainly agree that responsible media should not run ads that promote prostitution. CCV recently issued this Press Advisory: For Immediate Release: Monday, June 9, 2008 Contact: Phil Burress, 513-733-5775, Steve Wagner 202-441-5744, Charlie Winburn, 513-884-7832 Coalition asks CityBeat to stop allowing promotion […]

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A Closer Look at Sweden’s Success with Reducing Prostitution; Skeptics Rebutted

We have previously written with approval of Sweden’s approach to prostitution. In 1999, Sweden made it a crime to buy sex but not to sell it. The Swedes removed legal jeopardy from prostituted women but increased it for pimps and johns. After the police were trained in the implementation of the new law, the incidence […]

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News Roundup: Age of Entry into Prostitution Declining

Ads from the June 12 Valley Advocate: “Consenting Adults” proclaims one of the ads above. An odd phrase to apply to a legitimate massage service, but perfectly understandable for a commercial sex business. Smokescreen phrases like these are often employed by defenders of prostitution in attempts to stifle debate. They are not convincing. Studies that […]

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Northampton: Feminist Film Series on Sex Trafficking and Exploitation

Local feminists are screening films this month to raise awareness about sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Both of the following will be shown in the Media Education Foundation Community Room, 60 Masonic Street, Northampton MA. Trade Saturday, June 21, 7pmWhen 13-year-old Adriana is kidnapped by sex traffickers in Mexico, her 17-year-old brother, Jorge, sets off […]

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Dominique Bressi to Compete in June 22 Ironman to Raise Funds for Stop Porn Culture

It is our pleasure to publicize this fundraising appeal from Dominique Bressi. She will compete in the 2008 Coeur D’Alene Ironman on June 22 to raise funds for Stop Porn Culture. Show your support and make your tax-deductible contribution by June 20. I will be racing in the 2008 Coeur D’Alene Ironman, a distinguished athletic […]

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StopPornCulture! Launches Website; Online Slide Show Available

We welcome the launch of StopPornCulture!’s website at SPC is the newest evolution of a longstanding feminist movement against porn: …With the explosion of technology and increased accessibility of pornography via the internet in the late 1990s and early 2000s, feminists from around the country began to organize meetings to discuss the proliferation of […]

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