Welcome Barron’s Readers: Why Investors Should Shun Strip Club Profits

Today’s Barron’s contains our letter to the editor, responding to a July 2 interview with Peter Siris, managing partner of Guerilla Capital Management. In the interview (excerpts), Siris recommends strip clubs as an investment. Here is the text of our letter as published: Turning a Blind Eye To the Editor: Strip clubs may be lucrative […]

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A Thought Experiment for Those Who Want to Legalize Prostitution

Andrea Lavigne has a modest proposal for those who think legalized prostitution is a good idea. Andrea received her Masters Degree in Social Work at Wayne State University in 1994. She is currently in an independent private practice as a licensed clinical social worker (LMSW), is credentialed as a Qualified Clinical Social Worker (QCSW) and […]

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Why We Reproduce Pictures from Pornography

Renegade Evolution and others who defend pornography have said it’s improper for anti-porn activists to hold up actual examples of porn to public view. Unless we get permission from the subjects to do this, we are exploiting them. In a sense this is true, and unfortunate. It’s the case anytime one holds up another’s work […]

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Yes, Let’s Talk about Jobs

Our debate with pro-porn blogger Renegade Evolution continues. In one of her emails to us today she wrote [typos in original], That’s great, see, I actually advocate listening to all sexworkers, even those who hate it. Now, doing the whole “your feelings are important” thing with me is not, oh, going to impress me much […]

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Valley Advocate: “Vox Bloguli”

Alan Bisbort raises a cheer for blogs in “Vox Bloguli”, published in the July 12 Valley Advocate. He asks, Where do the American people find the truth today? Blogs. Just look at the political stories that have dominated the past two years. During that time, print and broadcast journalists got their asses kicked by the […]

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Pro-Porn Free Speech Lover Doesn’t Like It When We Reference Her Public Material in a Critical Context

Many things make no sense in Pornoland. The latest example is the position of Renegade Evolution, a porn advocate, “a bit pathological about the rights of free speech,” who objects to our linking to her public statements without permission (even though she linked to NoPornNorthampton on July 8 with no prior notice) and our referencing […]

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Strip Poker Men’s Club: Women’s Lib to Blame for Men’s Going to Strip Clubs

Those who think the sex industry celebrates women’s choices and empowerment should consider the attitudes of many of the participants. Even if stripping makes some women feel personally empowered, they need to consider how they are part of a machine that disempowers women generally. The effects of adult entertainment don’t stop at the strip club […]

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Strip Club Tips: How to Savor an Exquisite Blend of Fantasies, Lies, Exploitation and Despair (explicit language)

The Strip Poker Men’s Club provides a helpful guide to achieving just the right balance of fantasy, exploitation, lies and despair in “Understanding The Stripper Psyche So You Can Have Fun and Not Lose Your Wallet” [explicit link, typos in original]: …be aware, the stripper is animalistic creature; a product of evolution, they have evolved […]

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Springfield Republican Reports on Strip Clubs and the Mafia

A front-page story in today’s Sunday Republican describes the last months of Adolfo “Big Al” Bruno, whose leading role in Western Massachusetts organized crime ended when he was gunned down in November 2003. Strip clubs feature prominently in the article… During the spring of 2002, Adolfo “Big Al” Bruno inflamed local mafia wiseguys and club […]

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Steve and Cokie Roberts Report on Marriage: A Good Idea that Refuses to Die

Steve and Cokie Roberts have been married for 41 years. They have two children, six grandchildren, four books published, a joint syndicated newspaper column, and countless bylines and media appearances. Bethesda Magazine profiles them and four other couples in “Love stories”, July/August 2007… Steve, who’s been the Shapiro Professor of Media and Public Affairs at […]

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