Republican: “Council hears citizens’ concerns”

July 21: The Republican reports on the July 20 Northampton City Council meeting… “Concerns about an adult video store and a special district that would exempt Smith College from most zoning requirements dominated a marathon public comment session at last night’s City Council meeting. “Thirty people spent 75 minutes sharing their thoughts with the council […]

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Gazette: “Porn shop, other matters on busy Thursday agenda”

July 19: The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that NPN will present petitions to the Northampton City Council meeting on July 20. “The petition asks the city to create an ordinance that would restrict locations of adult theaters and businesses where adult films or live performances are viewed; passing health regulations banning closed-door viewing booths; restricting […]

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NPN Releases a Draft Adult-Use Zoning Law

NoPornNorthampton provides this draft zoning law for public comment. Its intent is to reduce the adverse secondary effects of certain sexually oriented businesses on health, neighborhoods and commerce while respecting civil liberties.The proposed zoning law draws on similar laws put in place elsewhere in the US. These have been upheld in court as serving important […]

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NPN Releases a Draft Regulation for Health Inspector: Licenses for Viewing Booths in Adult Entertainment Establishments

NoPornNorthampton provides this draft health regulation for public comment. Its intent is to reduce high risk activity known to occur around porn shop viewing booths and combat diseases such as AIDS. It does not ban viewing booths, but only regulates them. This proposed regulation draws on similar regulations put in place elsewhere in the US. […]

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US Court of Appeals Upholds Minneapolis Regulation of Porn Viewing Booths

In 1990, the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit upheld “the constitutionality of a City of Minneapolis, Minnesota ordinance which: (1) prohibited the construction, use, design, or operation of a commercial building for the purpose of engaging in, or permitting persons to engage in, sexual activities which include high risk sexual conduct;[Footnote 3] […]

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Law Article: “Preventing the Secondary Effects of Adult Entertainment Establishments: Is Zoning the Solution?”

Dana M. Tucker makes health, safety and economic arguments for regulating adult entertainment establishments in “Preventing the Secondary Effects of Adult Entertainment Establishments: Is Zoning the Solution?”, 12 Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law 383 (1997). The bracketed numbers refer to footnotes.Health impact of porn shops with viewing booths (pages 414-417)One of the adverse […]

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