Hartford Pedophile: “Reardon has the potential to go down in the history of the United States of America as one of the biggest monsters in this genre” (explicit)

Porn merchants like Amazing.net/Goflix.com, and their business partners, find that it’s stimulating, entertaining, and/or profitable to sell images of the abuse of the young and the weak. Movies sold at Goflix.com include: Abuse of PowerA young athlete is taken advantage of by his own doctor! A perverted policeman… An innocent cop is bullied by a […]

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Republican: “Springfield police arrest strip club patron for breaking vehicle windows”

Today’s Springfield Republican reports on a secondary-effects type incident that took place early today outside the Fifth Alarm strip club on Worthington Street. Secondary effects are the crime and blight known to attend many adult enterprises. A 24-year-old Bloomfield street man, kicked out of a strip club for attempting to take a patron’s money off […]

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New Low-Cost Option for Institute on Media Madness, July 9-11, Boston

We are pleased to publicize this new low-cost educational opportunity from Wheelock College and Stop Porn Culture: We’ve had overwhelming interest in scholarships to the summer institute on Media Madness. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, we are offering a two and a half day training as an alternative to the full […]

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Very Intimate Pleasures Loses Another Round in Berlin, CT

Congratulations to NO V.I.P. in Berlin, CT. The Connecticut Supreme Court just upheld Berlin’s ordinance that requires adult-themed businesses to keep at least 250 feet away from residential zones. Very Intimate Pleasures, an adult toy and video shop, had tried to argue that this ordinance was invalid because it had been passed by the town […]

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Grand Theft Auto IV: Women Screwed, Run Over, Shot and Burned

The video game Grand Theft Auto IV presents the “Ladies of Liberty City”. A trailer shows prostituted women being run over and shot after having sex with a john. These disturbing videos express the disposability of these women in our culture: Long version: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/209411.html Short version: http://boinkology.com/2008/04/29/the-ladies-of-liberty-city/ Apparently the game publisher, Take-Two Interactive, has become […]

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Valley Advocate Website Announces 2008’s “Best” Adult Entertainment Club; Holsopple’s Inside Report on Stripping (explicit language)

If you visit the Valley Advocate website today and click through to their “Best of 2008” page, you’ll see it leads off with “Adult entertainment club”, partly because this category starts with “A” and partly because the Advocate considers this to be just another leisure option, on par with “Art gallery” or “Charity event”… Within […]

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Bloomberg Columnist Likes Sweden’s Approach to Prostitution

Ann Woolner applauds Sweden’s approach to prostitution on Bloomberg.com today: Legalize Selling Your Body, Criminalize Buying It: Ann Woolner …de-criminalizing the flesh business encourages human trafficking and boosts the presence of organized crime, according to studies. There is no drop in brutality, either, and some indication it increases. “Anyone contemplating such a move has to […]

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The Truth About Lap Dancing: A Performer Speaks Out

Object is a UK group that challenges ‘Sex Object Culture’. They have kindly authorized us to reprint their interview with a former lap/pole dancer. The Truth About Lap Dancing A Performer Speaks OutObject 2007 Comments on this Report This testimonial is prepared from an interview with Lucy Brown, a former lap/pole dancer who approached Object […]

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Profitable Exploits: Lap Dancing in the UK

Julie Bindel of the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University, prepared this report on strip clubs in 2004 for the Glasgow City Council. Beyond the impact on the direct participants, the passages below suggest that strip clubs have “secondary effects” on their surroundings (e.g. blight, harassment). Club management typically maintains that their […]

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