Online Media Daily: “Craigslist Claims Fewer ‘Erotic Services’ Ads Due To New Listing Requirements, Defends Against Sheriff’s Lawsuit”

Online Media Daily reported on March 11: Company CEO Jim Buckmaster said this week in a blog post that the site has seen a 90-95% decline in “erotic services” ads in five large cities since it began demanding more information from advertisers last year… Last week, the Cook County sheriff sued Craigslist for creating a […]

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Abolishing Prostitution: The Swedish Solution – An Interview with Gunilla Ekberg by the Rain and Thunder Collective

Rain and Thunder has kindly made this interview available for us to share with you. You may also download it as a PDF (33KB). Abolishing Prostitution: The Swedish Solution An Interview with Gunilla Ekberg by the Rain and Thunder Collective Published in Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism, Issue 41, […]

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“She Reads Virgina Woolf”, a Poem by Ellaraine Lockie

We are pleased to present Ellaraine Lockie’s “She Reads Virginia Woolf”, the winning entry in the 2008 Skysaje Enterprises Poetry Contest. It is reprinted with permission. She Reads Virgina Woolf by Ellaraine Lockie As she slept he’d finger-walk all the way up her underarm Soft, like snow falling over the shoulder, ear, lips Sleep melted […]

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“To Mary Magdalen, with thanks”, a Poem by Vicki Goodfellow Duke

We are pleased to present “To Mary Magdalen, with thanks”. This poem won an Honorable Mention in the 2005 Utmost Christian Poetry Contest. It is reprinted with permission: To Mary Magdalen, with thanks by Vicki Goodfellow Duke savior of pretty girls        slammed into doors        bloodied by steel-toed        boots,        tripping in heels        through the night        retching […]

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Springfield Republican: “Ware selectmen OK written refusal to deny permit to Robbie’s Place for nude dancing”

Today’s Springfield Republican reports: Ware selectmen OK written refusal to deny permit to Robbie’s Place for nude dancing The selectmen have approved a document defining their board’s opposition to a downtown bar’s request for a 2009 entertainment permit including nude dancing… The document says granting the permit “would adversely affect the public health, safety or […]

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Gazette: “Year later, porn store brings scant change to neighborhood”

Today’s Gazette assesses the impact of Capital Video’s porn shop in Northampton. This shop, at 135 King Street, originally planned to contain 20 viewing booths. Year later, porn store brings scant change to neighborhood [Douglas A.] Kohl [a co-owner of commercial property at 139 King St.] has been trying to lease the former furniture […]

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Huffington Post: “Break the Chains of Modern Slavery: End Demand”

The 12/2/08 Huffington Post has an outstanding article on getting at the root of prostitution and sex trafficking. Far from an immutable part of human society, it is entirely possible to diminish commercial sexual exploitation–and the demand for it–within a matter for years, for countries with a will and the right approach. Here’s an excerpt: […]

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MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Speaks Out Against Prop 8

We are pleased to reproduce the following article with permission from Reiter’s Block. California’s Proposition 8, recently passed in a close vote, eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry. Marriage is an important path to happiness for many. It should be available to all regardless of sexual orientation. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Speaks Out Against […]

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British Medical Journal: Happiness and Social Factors

BMJ (British Medical Journal) published a study yesterday that traces social influences on personal happiness. The results: “People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future.” To the extent that a person’s consumption of porn isolates them and degrades […]

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