Laura Johnston provides an excellent rebuttal of pro-prostitution arguments in The F Word:
The argument that decriminalizing prostitution will improve conditions for prostituted women sounds appealing on its surface. The first time I heard it I thought it made sense. But when I began volunteering in a rape crisis centre and shelter and met women in prostitution, I realized that decriminalization wouldn’t address the reality of women’s lives. This piece is my analysis from my experiences doing front line work, and in working on the Bedford v. Canada case. I’m going to argue that the idea women can be made safer by decriminalizing prostitution relies on a number of myths. I don’t think the position taken by the applicants or the government will help prostituted women, and in my conclusion, I’m going to discuss a third alternative, which was proposed by the intervener I did research for – the Women’s Coalition for the Abolition of Prostitution.
Click for the full article
See also:
New Report: “Targeting the Sex Buyer – The Swedish Example: Stopping Prostitution and Trafficking Where It All Begins”
A Closer Look at Sweden’s Success with Reducing Prostitution; Skeptics Rebutted
“‘Big Tent’ feminism? Sounds great. Feels a lot like the status quo.”
NOMAS: “Does Consensual Prostitution Exist?”
MSNBC Investigates Human Trafficking and Prostitution in the US; Valley Advocate Advertises “Foreign Fantasies” Where “Everything Goes”