If you watch a lot of porn, you might begin to think that “Use ’em, Abuse ’em and Lose ’em” is what a man should do. You might think treating your partner roughly was normal. You might think that satisfying long-term relationships are impossible to sustain and not worth it. And you’d be wrong. A new Kinsey study finds:
Couples in the study that frequently hugged, kissed and caressed their partners and had sex more often reported being more sexually satisfied, researchers found. Both men and women noted being happier the longer they stayed together. For women, the sex got better the longer the couple was together. Those who’d been with their partner for 15 years or more reported an increase is sexual satisfaction.Pornographers have incentives to lie about relationships. Violence and aggression stimulate the release of testosterone – an addictive short-term rush. And, too, happily married couples consume less porn.
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See also:
Porn Use Correlates with Infidelity, Prostitution, Aggression, Rape-Supportive Beliefs