The Republican: Pornography shop rejected in ‘Hamp

Today’s issue of The Republican reports on the porn shop’s denied building permit, and mentions NoPornNorthampton:

“…Many residents have voiced opposition to the shop, which would also sell adult-themed DVDs, novelties, videos, magazines and boutique products.

“Adam R. Cohen and his wife, lawyer Jendi Reiter, live on North Street and have formed NoPornNorthampton to protest the shop…

“Cohen said the store is inappropriate because of nearby residential areas. He and his wife have established the Web site

“‘It’s been shown again and again that this type of business is a health hazard and increases crime,’ Cohen said yesterday. ‘It’s a magnet for bringing bad things to our neighborhoods….’

“‘You can already buy X-rated videos in town,’ [Northampton Director of Planning and Development Wayne] Feiden said. ‘It’s this whole thing about viewing
booths. That’s what people get upset about.'”

Read the full story at…

3 thoughts on “The Republican: Pornography shop rejected in ‘Hamp

  1. Hello,
    I think you are arrogant and ignorant. This business i sbot as important and as valid as any other which may meet yoyr ‘moral’ standards. T he very word pornography implies there is something wrong with naked humans. I tis dirty and revolting. Whats wrong with you people. With terrorists threatening our way of life, you should be marching in the street demanding that this store be allowed to open. Next you will be telling me my wife can only leave the house if her hair is covered.
    I pity you all.
    Rich Vernon

  2. We’re as much for the nobility of the human body as the next person. Our concerns are with crime and hazardous trash on our streets, disease, business failures, and the harassment of our friends and neighbors. By zoning and regulating porn shops with viewing booths, we believe these problems can be lessened.

    As for the ‘slippery slope’ argument, we address this in our Frequently Asked Questions (in the left-hand column).

  3. I don’t understand why the proponents of this store find it necessary to attack those who think it is beyond the bounds of acceptability.

    Do you think that citizens have any right to regulate business?

    Do you similarly think that liquor licenses, smoking bans and regulations against child pornography are also closed minded?

    I think pornography is great, I’m only against a car-dealership sized store in a residential neighborhood run by a corporation with a bad record in enforcing the rules. I would welcome an sex shop in downtown or in the industrial park. I don’t care if stores carry pornographic content in addition to other content (as Lizotte’s on Main St. did before it closed). I wouldn’t care if our video stores wanted to carry hardcore porn.

    We are talking about reasonable limits as to the size, location and content, not a full out ban on pornography.

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