Employee Arrested for Selling Poppers at Amazing.net in Boston

WBZ, the CBS affiliate in Boston, reported on December 28: …Dwan Hammond’s arrest stems from a complaint police received from an unidentified person. This tipster told police that “poppers” — an illegal inhalant — were being sold at the Amazing.net Adult Video Store on Stuart Street.Police say they sent undercover officers into the store to […]

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Springfield Republican: “Cities challenged to fight AIDS”

Today is World AIDS Day. The Springfield Republican reports on how this disease remains an acute issue in the Pioneer Valley: As World AIDS Day is observed today, that reality has particular meaning in Springfield and Holyoke, which are both among the top four cities and towns in the state in the percentage of their citizens […]

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Full Text of Springfield’s Decision to Revoke Capital Video’s Viewing Booth Entertainment License

Here is the full text of Springfield’s Findings and Decision in its revocation of Capital Video’s viewing booth entertainment license. These Findings may also be downloaded as a PDF.The Findings constitute a case study in “secondary effects”: the crime, blight and prostitution known to atttend many adult enterprises. Here are excerpts from Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan’s […]

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Springfield Republican: “Ryan shuts adult shop booths”

Capital Video must close the porn viewing booths at its Springfield store, Mayor Charles V. Ryan ruled on November 20. The store is located at Apremont Triangle. NoPornNorthampton mailed over 1,700 letters to this neighborhood on April 30. We asked residents to encourage the Mayor to address problems caused by this store.Northampton attorney Thomas Lesser tried […]

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Gazette: “Strip club ouster ends with carjacking”

When adult enterprises bring crime and blight to their environs, this is called secondary effects. Castaway Lounge, a strip club in Whately, just added to our region’s experience with secondary effects on Friday. Today’s Gazette reports: Nicholas J. Turco, 31, of Mount Holly, and Lief J. Olson, 27, of Windsor, have both been charged with […]

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Letter to Gazette: “Porn store is going to have a bad effect on children”

Today’s Gazette publishes a letter from Jessica Grant of Northampton: Driving my children down Summer Street to Market Street as I do several times a week I was disturbed to see a brightly colored sign adorned with stars on the soon-to-be-open porn store on King Street…At what age would a child be able to type […]

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Downstreet: “Citizen-Lawyers Battle Porn Shop Just a Block Away From Home”

Mike Kirby and Lu Stone are residents of Summer Street with a full-on view of Capital Video’s prospective King Street porn shop. In January they appealed the Northampton Planning Board’s approval of Capital Video’s site plan. While not a party to this appeal, NoPornNorthampton publicized it with a press release: The goal of the couple’s […]

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Florida Businessman Puts Nude Mannequins in Shop Window to Protest Permit Rejection

WFTV in Sarasota reports that “a disgruntled business man is displaying naked mannequins in his storefront window to protest against his city.” David Douthitt has been trying to open a hair salon where the staff wears bikinis. Neighbors object and the city has declined to issue the necessary permits. “One day, he’ll put the tops […]

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Lesser Newman: Capital Video Has Seen the Light and Will Make its Springfield Viewing Booths Safe

It has become a cliche in American culture, yet its truth still makes us laugh. Lucy offers Charlie Brown a football to kick. Charlie Brown knows that during virtually all previous attempts, Lucy has pulled the ball away at the last minute, causing him to go flying and land flat on his back. Nevertheless, Lucy knows […]

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Victory in Berlin, CT: Court Rules Town Council Has Authority to Enact Zoning

It might seem self-evident to some, but Very Intimate Pleasures this year challenged the authority of the town council of Berlin, CT to enact zoning ordinances. VIP is trying various approaches to get the courts to invalidate a Berlin ordinance that requires adult enterprises to stay at least 250 feet from homes. The July 13 […]

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