Today’s Gazette publishes three letters regarding the Ned Selavka situation. Selavka, a local teacher of young children, has been charged with possession of child pornography.Donna and Kathy Wilkins-Carmody of Northampton write, “One of the things my family and I love so dearly about the Pioneer Valley is the progressive thinking and open-mindedness. However, when these […]
Northampton News
Gazette: “Conversations key to children’s safety”
Today’s Gazette has two articles relating to the Edgar Selavka child pornography case, “Teacher’s arrest compels frank talk on pedophilia” and “Conversations key to children’s safety”. Here are excerpts from the latter: The best way to protect a child from a sexual predator is through consistent education and direct conversations, experts say… [Peter Pollard, public […]
Gazette: “Links between porn, pedophilia explained”
Following up on recent arrest of Edgar Selavka, a preschool teacher, and the indictment of Ronald Garney, an Amherst high school science teacher, for possession of child pornography, today’s Gazette consults experts on the relationship between porn and pedophilia. Fabian M. Saleh directs research for the National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of […]
Breaking News: Neighbors Appeal Approval of Capital Video Site Plan to Massachusetts Land Court
Mike Kirby and Lu Stone, long-time residents of Summer Street, have appealed the Northampton Planning Board’s approval of Capital Video’s Site Plan. The appeal was filed with the Massachusetts Land Court on January 8, 2007. The named defendants are the members of the Planning Board and Capital Video. Kirby and Stone live within 300 feet […]
An Open Letter to Capital Video Attorney Michael Pill
Dr. Michael Pill is a Shutesbury attorney retained by Capital Video to help them establish a porn shop at 135 King Street. Northampton’s Planning Board approved Capital Video’s Site Plan on December 14, but many citizens still have concerns about how Capital Video will respect their interests. Here we ask Capital Video and Michael Pill […]
Planning Board Member: Capital Video Site Plan “one of the poorest I’ve seen in a long time”
Today’s Republican reports on how Northampton Planning Board members voted at the December 14 hearing on Capital Video’s Site Plan. Board members Kenneth Jodrie, Paul Voss and Wilensky voted against granting site plan approval. Chairman Francis A. Johnson and members Keith Wilson, George Russell, Frances Volkmann and Kohout voted in favor. Jodrie said yesterday that […]
Gazette: Residents Can Ask Planning Board to Reconsider Capital Video Decision
Today’s Gazette reports on the December 14 Planning Board approval of Capital Video’s Site Plan. “Planning Board members David Wilensky and Paul Voss said, despite [Capital Video attorney Michael] Pill’s assurances, they were concerned whether Capital Video would hold to the city’s prohibition on sexually explicit or suggestive window displays.” The Gazette notes that “Although […]
Breaking News: Northampton Planning Board Approves Capital Video Site Plan 4-3
Northampton’s Planning Board has approved Capital Video’s Site Plan by a vote of 4-3. This means Capital Video may now proceed with building a porn shop at 135 King Street. Capital Video did withdraw a photo of a bondage-themed storefront when a member of the Planning Board objected that it violated Northampton’s new ordinance about […]
Capital Video Plays Hardball, Proposes Bondage Display for Store, Attorney Disses Community Opposition Ahead of December 14 Public Hearing
A month ago, Capital Video was talking up its “excellent relationship with its host communities”. General counsel Lesley Rich suggested that their store would be “designed in a ‘mainstream’ manner… Capital intends on opening an ‘upscale’ store in Northampton, and would be very receptive to discussions with the community on the look, feel and the […]
Breaking News: Capital Video Capitulates to New Zoning, Revises Plans for 135 King Street
Capital Video general counsel Lesley Rich initially dismissed Northampton’s new adult-use zoning ordinances as “totally illegal”, but it now appears the company has decided to accept them. Wayne Feiden and Carolyn Misch from Northampton’s planning department have just received an email from Capital Video attorney Michael Pill stating that they “will comply with all legally […]