Congresswoman Jane Harman Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Halt Rape and Sexual Assault in the Military

We are pleased to reprint this press release from the office of Congresswoman Jane Harman: HARMAN INTRODUCES BIPARTISAN BILL TO HALT RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE MILITARY Lawmaker says “a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire” July 29, 2008 Washington, D.C. […]

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Attention Christie Brinkley: Avoid Relationship Advice from the Valley Advocate

Earlier this month, Christie Brinkley’s divorce from husband Peter Cook was widely discussed in the media. Mr. Cook’s porn use became a matter of debate. One columnist for New York Magazine claimed it was immaterial, common practice, and not a big deal. We agree it’s common practice, but it is material and it is a […]

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New Research Indicates That Significant Numbers Of Children As Young As 11 Are Engaging In Sexual Activity And That Dating Violence And Abuse Are Part Of Their Relationships

Liz Claiborne sponsors the Love Is Not Abuse program. This July 8 press release reports that teen and tween dating abuse is a serious problem. Parents get the brunt of the blame, but the role of porn deserves more attention. Porn is known to encourage abusive attitudes, and the average age of first exposure to […]

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A Closer Look at Sweden’s Success with Reducing Prostitution; Skeptics Rebutted

We have previously written with approval of Sweden’s approach to prostitution. In 1999, Sweden made it a crime to buy sex but not to sell it. The Swedes removed legal jeopardy from prostituted women but increased it for pimps and johns. After the police were trained in the implementation of the new law, the incidence […]

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News Roundup: Age of Entry into Prostitution Declining

Ads from the June 12 Valley Advocate: “Consenting Adults” proclaims one of the ads above. An odd phrase to apply to a legitimate massage service, but perfectly understandable for a commercial sex business. Smokescreen phrases like these are often employed by defenders of prostitution in attempts to stifle debate. They are not convincing. Studies that […]

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New Low-Cost Option for Institute on Media Madness, July 9-11, Boston

We are pleased to publicize this new low-cost educational opportunity from Wheelock College and Stop Porn Culture: We’ve had overwhelming interest in scholarships to the summer institute on Media Madness. In order to accommodate as many people as possible, we are offering a two and a half day training as an alternative to the full […]

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‘Through the Flame’ Online Forums Support People Recovering from Porn Addiction

Through the Flame is doing great work helping people overcome porn addiction. They kindly sent us this article about their activities… is a free, online support group created for people affected by pornography. It is a growing community that aims to help people addicted to pornography or those living with someone who is. We […]

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