Object is a UK group that challenges ‘Sex Object Culture’. They have kindly authorized us to reprint their interview with a former lap/pole dancer. The Truth About Lap Dancing A Performer Speaks OutObject 2007 Comments on this Report This testimonial is prepared from an interview with Lucy Brown, a former lap/pole dancer who approached Object […]
Feminist Perspective
Profitable Exploits: Lap Dancing in the UK
Julie Bindel of the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University, prepared this report on strip clubs in 2004 for the Glasgow City Council. Beyond the impact on the direct participants, the passages below suggest that strip clubs have “secondary effects” on their surroundings (e.g. blight, harassment). Club management typically maintains that their […]
True Freedom Includes the Freedom to Say No (explicit language)
Tree of Finches makes some excellent rebuttals to common pro-porn pro-prostitution arguments about freedom, choice and empowerment. He also notes how liberals will gladly hammer a sneaker company over abusive practices but just can’t see it in the sex industry: Regarding the Sex Industry and “Empowerment”, Part 1 …I’ve been to strip clubs, and I […]
Fourth Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution (explicit language)
The Burning Times has kindly given us permission to reprint the Fourth Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution. See the first three carnivals here. Fourth Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution April 26, 2008 by Debs Hi again everyone, and welcome to the fourth edition of the Carnival Against Pornography and Prostitution! Once again, thank you so […]
Dorchen Leidholdt, “Demand and the Debate”
Dorchen A. Leidholdt is the Co-Executive Director of The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Here are excerpts from her speech, “Demand and the Debate”. She provides an excellent history and analysis of the “sex-positive” spin on prostitution. “Prostitution is a job like any other job,” [Wages for Housework activists] insisted. “Some women prostitute their fingers […]
Smith College Sophian: “Clothesline Project Hangs Abuse Out to Dry”
The April 10 Sophian reports on Smith College’s 14th annual Clothesline Project, honoring Sexual Abuse Awareness Week. The project began with 31 shirts displayed in Hyannis, Massachusetts in 1990. It has expanded to 500 projects worldwide. More than one in six women in United States are victims of rape or sexual assault, according to a […]
Register Now for Media Madness: The Impact of Sex, Violence, & Commercial Culture on Adults, Children, & Society, July 8-11, Boston
We encourage all anti-porn activists to consider attending this summer institute at the Boston campus of Wheelock College. Media Madness: The Impact of Sex, Violence, & Commercial Culture on Adults, Children, & Society Dates: Tuesday July 8 – Friday July 11, 2008 Faculty: Gail Dines, Chair and Professor of American Studies, & Diane Levin, Professor […]
April 3, Amherst College: Gail Dines to Speak on Intimacy, Identity and Sex(ism) in Pornographic Culture
We are pleased to share this announcement: Gail Dines to Speak on Intimacy, Identity and Sex(ism) in Pornographic Culture April 3 On Thursday, April 3, at 7 p.m. in Stirn Auditorium at Amherst College, there will be a media presentation by Dr. Gail Dines, professor of sociology at Wheelock College. Dines uses examples of mainstream […]
Special Presentation: Buddhist Nuns Who Rescue Girls from Sex Trafficking in Nepal, March 19, 7:15pm, Easthampton
The public is invited to a presentation by Venerable Sisters Molini and Dhamma Vijaya of Nepal. These extraordinary Buddhist nuns, with doctorates in feminism, have established Dhamma Moli, a sanctuary to rescue girls from being kidnapped by sex traffickers.The presentation will take place on the evening of March 19 at the Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer […]
Robert Jensen to Speak at Amherst Books, April 6 at 5pm
The public is invited to hear Robert Jensen talk about his latest book, Getting Off: Pornography & the End of Masculinity. The talk will take place at Amherst Books, 8 Main Street in Amherst, on Sunday, April 6 at 5pm.Jensen is an associate professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. […]