S.M. Berg: “The Harms of Gay Male Pornography: A Sexual Equality Perspective” (explicit)

S.M. Berg is a radical feminist activist against pornography and prostitution. She runs Genderberg.com. She has kindly given us permission to reprint the following article, which also appears in Off Our Backs (July/August 2005) and the Against Pornography website.by S.M. BergA report on Christopher Kendall’s presentation at the 2005 Captive Daughters conference on pornography and […]

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Full Text of Springfield’s Decision to Revoke Capital Video’s Viewing Booth Entertainment License

Here is the full text of Springfield’s Findings and Decision in its revocation of Capital Video’s viewing booth entertainment license. These Findings may also be downloaded as a PDF.The Findings constitute a case study in “secondary effects”: the crime, blight and prostitution known to atttend many adult enterprises. Here are excerpts from Springfield Mayor Charles V. Ryan’s […]

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Springfield Republican: “Ryan shuts adult shop booths”

Capital Video must close the porn viewing booths at its Springfield store, Mayor Charles V. Ryan ruled on November 20. The store is located at Apremont Triangle. NoPornNorthampton mailed over 1,700 letters to this neighborhood on April 30. We asked residents to encourage the Mayor to address problems caused by this store.Northampton attorney Thomas Lesser tried […]

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Evidence Assessment: The Role of Pornography in the Physical Abuse of Women

The UK Ministry of Justice recently released a comprehensive survey of research on the impact of porn, with a focus on “extreme pornographic material”. We would like to call particular attention to the section on “Studies of victimised women” (p.18-19): The majority of research on the effects of pornographic material depicting explicit serious sexual violence […]

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Military Still Selling Porn on Bases Despite Law (explicit)

In 1996, Congress banned sales of sexually explicit material on military bases, but many say enforcement has been lax. According to USA Today, magazines currently approved for sale include:Celebrity SkinPenthousePlayboyPlayboy’s College GirlsPlayboy’s LingerieNudeThe Pentagon says they have barred about 67% of 473 “titles” reviewed. Nadine Strossen, head of the ACLU, says the ban violates soldiers’ First […]

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Amnesty International USA: “16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence”

Amnesty International USA is calling attention to the unacceptable treatment currently received by Native American and Alaska Native rape survivors: During the 16 days between November 25th, International Day against Violence against Women, and December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the call to eliminate all forms of violence against women will reach a fever pitch. […]

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Stop Porn Culture Presents: Anti-Pornography Slideshow Training, January 2008, Austin, TX

STOP PORN CULTURE is a group fighting against the harms of pornography. It was started by Gail Dines, PhD., Robert Jensen, PhD., and Rebecca Whisnant, PhD. Stop Porn Culture has been (and is being) greatly assisted by a number of other people, such as ICASA, (The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault), and the very hard-working […]

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Another Victory for NOW-NYC: New York Magazine Drops Sex Ads

Congratulations to NOW-NYC, which last week persuaded another publisher to drop its sex ads. Several news outlets reported on the story:International Herald Tribune, 11/6/07 New York Magazine agreed Tuesday to stop accepting sex ads after the local chapter of a women’s rights group threatened protests outside the popular weekly publication.The National Organization for Women had […]

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AP: “U.S. sets record in sexual disease cases”

Much of today’s mainstream porn advocates practices favorable to the spread of disease. Common messages include: Have sex with lots of partners Have unprotected sex Have high-risk sex (e.g. “ass-to-mouth”; ejaculation in or around the eyes)STD rates among porn performers themselves are extraordinarily high.AP reports this week that rates for several sexually-transmitted diseases are rising […]

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AP: “Widespread Teacher Sexual Misconduct Reported” (explicit language)

In October, The Associated Press announced it had “found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to sadistic.” The actual incidence of abuse is likely to be much greater, as “most of the abuse never gets reported,” and “those cases reported often end with no action.” One […]

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