From the website of Chyng Sun: Dr. Chyng Sun is a Master Teacher of Media Studies at New York University. In addition to her scholarly research on gender, sexuality and race in the media, Dr. Sun is the creator of the documentaries Mickey Mouse Monopoly and Beyond Good and Evil. Her latest research investigated the […]
Porn Past Haunts Women Long After Pictures Taken
Between 1997 and 2006, Donny Pauling produced nearly 2 million pornography photographs and hours of video. Then he stopped. At his blog, Donny’s Ramblings, he offers an insiders’ perspective on the lasting impact of porn on the people who work in it. He has kindly given us permission to reprint these two articles. Porn Stories: […]
Press Release: Action Network to use RNC and Minnesota State Fair to Bring Attention to Problem of Sex Trafficking
We are pleased to present this press release and fact sheet from the Action Network to End Sexual Exploitation in Minnesota… Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseAugust 29, 2008Contacts: Suzanne Koepplinger 612.728.2008 sk**********@mi***.orgCarla Ferrucci 651.646.6177 ex 27 cf*******@mc**.org Action Network to use RNC and Minnesota State Fairto bring attention to problem of sex traffickingST. PAUL, MN – […]
A Review of Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers
NPN’s Jendi Reiter reviews Bernadette Barton’s Stripped: Inside the Lives of Exotic Dancers (New York & London: New York University Press, 2006)… In the debate over the morality of stripping, each camp typically puts forward a one-sided image of the exotic dancer as victim, slut, or feminist heroine. Bernadette Barton, a sociology and women’s studies […]
Newsweek: “A School for Johns”
An article from the July 24 issue of Newsweek shows, once again, that men’s attitudes and behaviors can be changed. San Francisco has a First Offender Prostitution Program that educates johns about prostituted women. A School for Johns…the day’s lineup at what is sometimes called “johns school” has a unique curriculum–a series of “scared straight” […]
Congresswoman Jane Harman Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Halt Rape and Sexual Assault in the Military
We are pleased to reprint this press release from the office of Congresswoman Jane Harman: HARMAN INTRODUCES BIPARTISAN BILL TO HALT RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE MILITARY Lawmaker says “a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire” July 29, 2008 Washington, D.C. […]
Attention Christie Brinkley: Avoid Relationship Advice from the Valley Advocate
Earlier this month, Christie Brinkley’s divorce from husband Peter Cook was widely discussed in the media. Mr. Cook’s porn use became a matter of debate. One columnist for New York Magazine claimed it was immaterial, common practice, and not a big deal. We agree it’s common practice, but it is material and it is a […]
“The Double Ds of Desire and Despair”, a Poem by Teresa Leo
It is our pleasure to present this poem by Teresa Leo from her book, The Halo Rule, on sale now at Elixir Press. Reprinted with permission. The Double Ds of Desire and Despair are in the long, slow torso of a woman bent back, seeing and not being seen. It’s a cache problem: a steady […]
Making Today’s Marriage Work: Smart Women and Egalitarian Relationships
For all its protestations about being liberatory, most of today’s bestselling porn is atavistic and repressive. Women, goes the theme, should accept and enjoy abuse from men. In a recent study of 50 of the most popular hardcore films, “…I’m going to begin to talk about what it is that we found after looking at […]
New Research Indicates That Significant Numbers Of Children As Young As 11 Are Engaging In Sexual Activity And That Dating Violence And Abuse Are Part Of Their Relationships
Liz Claiborne sponsors the Love Is Not Abuse program. This July 8 press release reports that teen and tween dating abuse is a serious problem. Parents get the brunt of the blame, but the role of porn deserves more attention. Porn is known to encourage abusive attitudes, and the average age of first exposure to […]