Today’s Washington Post (ironically itself a participant in prostitution) reports how Craigslist’s new “adult services” section differs little from its former “erotic services” section: Online Sex Connections Linked to False Sense of Security …police say Craigslist’s adult services section, which the company pledged to monitor closely, has quickly emerged as a major virtual meeting spot […]
Boston Globe: “New laws treat teen prostitutes as abuse victims”
The 4/18/09 Boston Globe reports on a welcome change of attitude towards prostituted girls: By the time she was 8, Amanda had been sexually abused by her father’s friend for four years. At 12, she was peddling crack. At 14, she was selling sex on the sidewalk. Her pimp beat her weekly to keep her […]
Attorneys General Press Craigslist about Ads for Prostitution and Other Illegal Activities
We are pleased to relay this 5/4/09 news release from the office of Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster: Attorney General Chris Koster to meet with craigslist — Koster to express concerns about ads for prostitution and other illegal activities; will demand stronger enforcement by company — Jefferson City, Mo. — Attorney General Chris Koster will […]
Springfield Republican: “Woman’s murder in Boston hotel linked to Craigslist advertising of massage services”
The 4/16/09 Springfield Republican reports: Woman’s murder in Boston hotel linked to Craigslist advertising of massage services …the killing this week opened a window on a vast and elusive underworld of prostitutes who advertise online and do business at high-end hotels… Tuesday’s victim, a slight 26-year-old who one witness initially believed was a child, had […]
Polaris Project: “The Washington Post: A Paper Pimp? (Part Two)”
The Polaris Project has kindly given us permission to reprint this April 10 article from their blog, The North Star. The Polaris Project combats slavery and human trafficking. Author Katherine Chon is the president of Polaris Project. The Washington Post: A Paper Pimp? (Part Two) [Click for Part One] by Katherine Chon The Washington Post […]
Activist Strategies: Cross Country Pimpin’ Tour Protested in Minneapolis
Breaking Free has kindly given us permission to publish their Protest Summary issued on April 7. “Breaking Free, Inc., was established in October 1996, by Vednita Carter, Executive Director, as a non-profit organization serving women and girls involved in systems of prostitution/sex trafficking and other battered women who have been involved in the criminal justice […]
Porn and Escort Ads: An Exploitation Team (explicit language)
Porn and prostitution have long teamed up to exploit women. Porn tells men what to fantasize about. Some then go to prostituted women to act it out. For example, you can buy the following film today (number 3 in the top 100) from Also on sale today is “Fuck My Mom & Me #6” […]
Polaris Project: “The Washington Post: A Paper Pimp?”
The Polaris Project has kindly given us permission to reprint this April 3 article from their blog, The North Star. The Polaris Project combats slavery and human trafficking. Author Katherine Chon is the president of Polaris Project. The Washington Post: A Paper Pimp? (Part One) by Katherine Chon Last year, I spoke with Nomi Levenkron, […]
Case Study: How Michelangelo Signorile Put a Dent in Hollywood’s Homophobia
Michelangelo Signorile (Wikipedia, website) is the author of Queer in America: Sex, the Media, and the Closets of Power. In this passage, he describes how activists cut through the fog of irrelevant First Amendment arguments to get Hollywood moguls to take responsibility for their messages: We were under siege at the time, and I was […]
Stop Porn Culture Offers Slideshow Training in Boston, June 5-7
We are pleased to publicize this announcement from Stop Porn Culture: Stop Porn Culture will be holding our next slideshow training at Wheelock College in Boston, MA. It will begin on Friday, June 5 at 5pm and end on Sunday, June 7 at 3pm. The cost is $50, with no one turned away for lack […]