The following story has been reported on CNN and elsewhere this week. This account is from the website of a Florida TV station:
A 31-year-old Central Florida man accused of hanging a woman from a tree and videotaping her torture and rape was attempting to create a bondage-porn video for cash after recently declaring bankruptcy, police told Local 6 News.
Deputies said [the accused] brought a woman to a river bank in a wooded area west of Interstate 95 in Brevard County and attacked her…
“[The accused] was arrested and confessed to attempting to make bondage porn,” Local 6’s Samantha Knapp said. “He planned to sell the video he made. Deputies declared this a heinous crime, saying he will never have that chance.”
“We found where he had taken items off the Internet and actually scripted out a bondage-type rape scenario,” Buggs said.
CNN’s account said:
The couple went on a canoe trip down a canal on Saturday and pulled ashore near some trees, when he began raping her and taping it with a video camera, Buggs said. He tied her to a tree, where she hung naked for several hours, her toes grazing the ground.
He struck her with the side of a hunting knife blade, leaving bruises, then raped her again, Buggs said.
It appeared the man was following a computer printout describing the crime in detail that was found at the scene, Buggs said.
It is Amazing that 25 years after studies begun to show conclusively that hardcore porn is linkesd to violence against women there is a “debate’ on wether Pornography harms women or not.
Now who is fueling the ‘debate and standing up for pornographers” “Freedoms”?
the perved out porn producers and the porn buyers…. gee what else would they say…