It is our pleasure to publicize Bin The Bunny, a new initiative from the London branch of Anti-Porn UK.
The campaign aims to draw attention to the fact that Playboy Enterprises, while marketing itself as a stylish and sophisticated brand, is a pornography company. Playboy Enterprises draws its income from the exploitation and degradation of women and girls…
A string of protests are to be held outside Playboy’s first European ‘concept’ store in Oxford Street, London. The organisers, Anti-Porn UK, have also produced a series of satirical short films starring a giant, pro-feminist rabbit on a quest to expose the fake porn-peddling playboy bunny. Anti-Porn UK are opposed to the continuing expansion of Playboy as the acceptable face of porn, its increasing cross-over into everyday culture under the guise of ‘cute’ products – often targetted to appeal to young girls – and the continuing attempt to promote the message to girls and young women that being a playboy ‘bunny’ is to be desirable and successful.
Here are selected text and graphics from the BTB blog, reprinted with permission:

Playboy TV operates several porn-channels in the UK. Below are some of the film- and programme-titles that have been on offer recently.
Playboy Enterprises, when advertising pornography…often use words like ‘bitch’, ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ about women. It is also not unusual for Playboy to use language that implies coercion and/or violence against women in their programming descriptions. Perhaps Playboy’s marketing department decided that insulting and degrading women would attract more paying customers. Perhaps they are trying to tell us something about the product they are promoting and selling.

Playboy Enterprises and the companies that stock, sell and promote Playboy ‘porn-branded’ goods do not openly admit to targeting and marketing to under-age girls. What do you think?
See also:
Free Book Download: Diana Russell’s Against Pornography: The Evidence of Harm (explicit)
Against Pornography is unusual in that it goes beyond abstract discussions of pornography to present the raw material, so readers can judge for themselves. Dr. Russell reprints and analyzes over 100 cartoons and pictures from publications like Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler and Cheri…
…the inclusion of many child pornography cartoons in mainstream men’s magazines like Playboy and Penthouse communicates its social acceptability…
Testimony in Minneapolis: Ice cream man uses porn magazine to interest children in sex
Another way that we see pornography being used in the commission of crimes is showing them to kids. I remember an interesting case in which an ice cream man, a Good Humor man, always kept an open magazine by him as he drove along, and the kids would look at it. And he would use that as some kind of manipulative technique to involve the people into talking about sex or getting interested in sex, as a comment: have you ever seen anything like this before, or have you ever done anything like this previously…
Testimony in Minneapolis: Role of Porn in Child Sexual Abuse; Pornographers Perpetuate, Profit from Dysfunction
Letter of Trudee Able-Peterson, December 1, 1983
Recently, while lecturing on the issue of sexual exploitation/victimization of children, in a small Wisconsin town, a judge posed the following question: “Ms. Peterson, how would you counsel a twelve and a nine year old boy who, simultaneously, anally and vaginally raped a three year old girl, and when asked in court, why they did this, they responded, ‘it’s okay, we saw it in Hustler magazine.’?”
To those of us across the country who work with sexually abused children, it is common knowledge that adult pornography is often used to introduce children to this warped sexuality and then they are encouraged, coerced, or forced to simulate these sexual positions…
Playboy ran one cartoon of a little girl getting dressed and saying derisively to an old man in a robe, “and you call that being molested!” The old man standing there looking very inept and foolish, INADEQUATE.
This cartoon accuses the little girl of being the seducer, and gives her all the power, and believe me, a 10-year-old girl who attempts suicide, sometimes successfully, rather than sleep with Dad or Uncle again, has no power…
Letter of Katherine Brady, November 29, 1983
My father incestuously molested me for a period of ten years when I was ages 8 to 18. During the early stages of the molestation, some of the things he used to coerce me into having sex with him were pornographic materials…
[M]y father introduced magazines such as Playboy and Hustler in addition to the prisoners’ man-made pornography [he worked at a reformatory], so that I would, as my father put it, “Be prepared for sex in life.”
This is Playboy
April Fool’s feature in Playboy Romania, 2000:
“How to Beat Your Wife…Without Leaving Prints”
You must hit “hard and steady” with “hatred” using a “policeman’s truncheon” as a “necessary tool”… “you will notice that your wife [sometimes] wants to be beaten up again”.
Feminists Confront Feminists Over Pornography
Writing in Pornography: The Production and Consumption of Inequality (1998, p.9-35), Ann Russo strives to reconcile dreams of individual liberty with the realities of social and economic inequality… “Micki Garcia, former director of Playmate Promotions, was for six years a supervisor, friend, and confidante to the ‘Playmates’. She ‘saw and felt the grim realities of the Playboy lifestyle: alienation from family and friends, drug abuse, attempted suicide, prostitution, unnecessary cosmetic surgery, mental and physical abuse, rape, attempted murder and murder…'”
Linnea Smith – Playboy: Another Look at Centerfolds
Object – Women Not Sex Objects
Hustler Cartoons: Racism, Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia, Pedophilia, Incest, Ridicule of Disabled People… (explicit)
Movies sold by Capital Video and its affiliates include “Amateur Initiation 29”, “Bubble Gum Virgins”, “Early Entries #4”, “Forbidden Cherries”, “Home Schooled #3” and “It’s a Young Girls Thing”.

Playboy TV operates several porn-channels in the UK. Below are some of the film- and programme-titles that have been on offer recently.
Playboy Enterprises, when advertising pornography…often use words like ‘bitch’, ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ about women. It is also not unusual for Playboy to use language that implies coercion and/or violence against women in their programming descriptions. Perhaps Playboy’s marketing department decided that insulting and degrading women would attract more paying customers. Perhaps they are trying to tell us something about the product they are promoting and selling.
- Naughty Amateur Home Videos
- Extreme Whores Love…
- Bound, Gagged & Shagged
- Piss Loving Lesbian Sluts
- Extreme Insertions
- Barely 18 Anal Virgins
- Tight Holed Cuties 2
- Young and Tempting…

Playboy Enterprises and the companies that stock, sell and promote Playboy ‘porn-branded’ goods do not openly admit to targeting and marketing to under-age girls. What do you think?
See also:
Free Book Download: Diana Russell’s Against Pornography: The Evidence of Harm (explicit)
Against Pornography is unusual in that it goes beyond abstract discussions of pornography to present the raw material, so readers can judge for themselves. Dr. Russell reprints and analyzes over 100 cartoons and pictures from publications like Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler and Cheri…
Pornographers invariably see feminists as their enemies. For example, this is what Playboy owner Hugh Hefner has been quoted as saying to his staff: “These chicks are our natural enemy… It is time we do battle with them… What I want is a devastating piece that takes the militant feminists apart.”Exposure to Pornography as a Cause of Child Sexual Victimization
[File 1, p.x, and]
…As the myth that women enjoy rape is widely held, the argument that consumers of pornography realize that such portrayals are false, is totally unconvincing (Brownmiller, 1975; Burt, 1980; Russell, 1975). Indeed, several studies have shown that portrayals of women enjoying rape and other kinds of sexual violence can lead to increased acceptance of rape myths in both males and females. In an experiment conducted by Neil Malamuth and James Check, for example, one group of college students saw a pornographic depiction in which a woman was portrayed as sexually aroused by sexual violence, and a second group was exposed to control materials. Subsequently, all subjects were shown a second rape portrayal. The students who had been exposed to the pornographic depiction of rape were significantly more likely than the students in the control group (1) to perceive the second rape victim as suffering less trauma; (2) to believe that she actually enjoyed it; and (3) to believe that women in general enjoy rape and forced sexual acts (Check and Malamuth, 1985, p.419).
…In a more recent study conducted in Canada, Charlene Senn found that “the more pornography women were exposed to, the more likely they were to have been forced or coerced into sexual activity they did not want” (1992). In addition, a male was present in most of the cases in which women were exposed to pornography. This suggests that most women who consume pornography do so because a man wants them to (1992). This is a particularly important finding because the media have made much of the alleged fact that increasing numbers of women are renting pornographic videos, presuming that they do so for their own gratification. [File 4, p.140, and]
…the inclusion of many child pornography cartoons in mainstream men’s magazines like Playboy and Penthouse communicates its social acceptability…
Testimony in Minneapolis: Ice cream man uses porn magazine to interest children in sex
Another way that we see pornography being used in the commission of crimes is showing them to kids. I remember an interesting case in which an ice cream man, a Good Humor man, always kept an open magazine by him as he drove along, and the kids would look at it. And he would use that as some kind of manipulative technique to involve the people into talking about sex or getting interested in sex, as a comment: have you ever seen anything like this before, or have you ever done anything like this previously…
Testimony in Minneapolis: Role of Porn in Child Sexual Abuse; Pornographers Perpetuate, Profit from Dysfunction
Letter of Trudee Able-Peterson, December 1, 1983
Recently, while lecturing on the issue of sexual exploitation/victimization of children, in a small Wisconsin town, a judge posed the following question: “Ms. Peterson, how would you counsel a twelve and a nine year old boy who, simultaneously, anally and vaginally raped a three year old girl, and when asked in court, why they did this, they responded, ‘it’s okay, we saw it in Hustler magazine.’?”
To those of us across the country who work with sexually abused children, it is common knowledge that adult pornography is often used to introduce children to this warped sexuality and then they are encouraged, coerced, or forced to simulate these sexual positions…
Playboy ran one cartoon of a little girl getting dressed and saying derisively to an old man in a robe, “and you call that being molested!” The old man standing there looking very inept and foolish, INADEQUATE.
This cartoon accuses the little girl of being the seducer, and gives her all the power, and believe me, a 10-year-old girl who attempts suicide, sometimes successfully, rather than sleep with Dad or Uncle again, has no power…
Letter of Katherine Brady, November 29, 1983
My father incestuously molested me for a period of ten years when I was ages 8 to 18. During the early stages of the molestation, some of the things he used to coerce me into having sex with him were pornographic materials…
[M]y father introduced magazines such as Playboy and Hustler in addition to the prisoners’ man-made pornography [he worked at a reformatory], so that I would, as my father put it, “Be prepared for sex in life.”
This is Playboy
April Fool’s feature in Playboy Romania, 2000:
“How to Beat Your Wife…Without Leaving Prints”
You must hit “hard and steady” with “hatred” using a “policeman’s truncheon” as a “necessary tool”… “you will notice that your wife [sometimes] wants to be beaten up again”.
Feminists Confront Feminists Over Pornography
Writing in Pornography: The Production and Consumption of Inequality (1998, p.9-35), Ann Russo strives to reconcile dreams of individual liberty with the realities of social and economic inequality… “Micki Garcia, former director of Playmate Promotions, was for six years a supervisor, friend, and confidante to the ‘Playmates’. She ‘saw and felt the grim realities of the Playboy lifestyle: alienation from family and friends, drug abuse, attempted suicide, prostitution, unnecessary cosmetic surgery, mental and physical abuse, rape, attempted murder and murder…'”
Linnea Smith – Playboy: Another Look at Centerfolds
Object – Women Not Sex Objects
Hustler Cartoons: Racism, Misogyny, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia, Pedophilia, Incest, Ridicule of Disabled People… (explicit)
A man watches TV while a woman looks on. On the wall, there’s a baseball bat in a case with this sign: “In case the bitch gets mouthy, break glass”.Some Porn Hard to Distinguish from Training for Pedophiles (explicit language)
Businessmen at a meeting discuss a new doll product, “Baby Kick and Bleed with Bandage and Crutch”. The child is shown saying, “Please no!” The caption reads, “…And we pitch it toward the battered-child market!”
A man is shown groping inside the pants of a young woman who is talking on the phone. The caption reads, “Gee…I’d love to go to the drive-in, Tommy, but my dad has some, uh, extra household chores for me tonight.”
Movies sold by Capital Video and its affiliates include “Amateur Initiation 29”, “Bubble Gum Virgins”, “Early Entries #4”, “Forbidden Cherries”, “Home Schooled #3” and “It’s a Young Girls Thing”.