Georgia Porn Merchant: “I chew up and spit out local municipalities like Popeye chewed spinach”

Most businesses give at least lip service to the idea of respecting the communities in which they operate and the citizens who live there, particularly when they’re trying to get permits to operate. Time and again, however, examples keep popping up of adult businessmen who can’t even muster this minimal level of politeness.

John Cornetta recently opened the Love Shack in Johns Creek, GA, a suburb of Atlanta. The city maintains that his store is not in compliance with their zoning ordinances. Far from trying to get in the city’s good graces, Cornetta radiates bluster and contempt:

Keep Johns Creek Safe, “Love Shack Owner Speaks Out”, 4/23/07
Cornetta writes on a North Fulton blog…

Man some of you crack me up. I put Johns Creek on the map. In the next few years they’ll rename it to John Cornetta’s Creek. Folks get this straight, that store will be there forever and ever and ever and ever. I just don’t lose…

Keep Johns Creek Safe, “Cornetta Responds to Hearing Officer’s Ruling”, 5/1/07
Cornetta responds to the prospect that a court ruling will shut down the Love Shack…

Like I said before, never. Get used to it. Live it, Learn it, Love it… I will never stop fighting…

Yesterdays order came from a judge, well not really a judge, hand picked by Johns Creek. I mean, this ruling is as important in the overall scheme of things as Fred Flintstone saying Yabba Dabba Doo. The only thing it does is show how biased the entire city government is, the total lack of respect the officials have for the law, and the fact that they have forgotten that they are ”public servants”. The reason we needed to go through this ”Kangaroo Court” is so that when make in front of an actual court it can not be said that we did not exhaust our administrative remedies. I look forward with great anticipation, the next rounds.

While this paper did not even contact me for a quote, will not accept my advertising, the spin that it, and a few extremely funny Johns Creek websites have put on this story are amazing. They all read about the same…

Aspen Newspapers: “Johns Creek takes another crack at Shack”, 6/27/07
Johns Creek filed a petition last week in the Superior Court of Fulton County to declare Love Shack in violation of city ordinances and order it to comply or close…

Cornetta said the petition is ‘no big deal,’ citing his more than 15 years of traveling down this road. This is just another day, he said.

“This is what I do for a living. I chew up and spit out local municipalities like Popeye chewed spinach,” said Cornetta.

With attitudes like these, it’s no wonder that secondary effects of crime and blight frequently sprout up around adult businesses. Many adult proprietors could not care less about the communities they operate in. That’s why zoning laws are needed, to at least keep these enterprises away from homes.

See also:

Porn Merchant Implies: Host Community Put at Risk So Outsiders Might Enjoy Themselves
In a November 17 newspaper article, Mr. Porter is quoted as making light of citizen concerns and suggesting that the store’s customers will mostly come from out of town:
“We’ll be helping the community, maybe not Berlin, but surrounding communities,” Porter said jokingly, “community service is what we’re all about.”

Porter said they have been delayed between three to four months, and believes the store will open in September rather than July as was previously expected.

“Though Mr. Porter’s arrogance may be noble in the sex shop and novelty world, it does not serve him well in the town of Berlin,” [Berlin mayor Adam] Salina said.
Capital Video Representative Swears at NoPornNorthampton During Public Meeting

Capital Video Plays Hardball, Proposes Bondage Display for Store, Attorney Disses Community Opposition Ahead of 12/14/06 Public Hearing
Here are photos of Capital Video’s suggested storefront and signage, just submitted to Northampton’s Planning Board. Apparently this is what Capital Video believes is tasteful, upscale, respectful of community comfort, and does not depict sexual conduct or sexual excitement:

…As for respect for community opinion, Capital Video attorney Michael Pill put his community relations skills on display for the Sunday Republican. Anticipating Capital Video’s planning board hearing on December 14, he said, “I hope that citizens, especially opponents, do not waste everyone’s time by pontificating about a bunch of stuff that’s completely irrelevant.”