Which One of These Does Not Belong on Downtown King Street?

NPN walked around King Street today and took these pictures. Capital Video’s renovations at 135 King Street are ongoing. Their distinctive blue signs went up this week.

See also:

Satellite photo shows schools, churches near 135 King Street

Satellite photo shows homes surrounding 135 King Street

Walk Into Something Wonderful (explicit language)
“I certainly, will be taking other walking routes than I have been for the past 25 years, when going to Stop & Shop, or Foster Farrar, or the bank, rather than have to walk by a big Capital Video Pornography Store on the corner of North and King streets.” — Pat Styer of Northampton, letter to The Republican, 9/10/06

Journal of Planning Literature: Adult Bookstores Often Increase Fear of Crime, Discourage Walking
The land uses that line up a street or surround a public space are crucial for their safety. Abandoned buildings, liquor stores, seedy motels, bars, check-cashing establishments, pawnshops, and adult bookstores and movie theaters can generate crime because they can encourage antisocial behavior, concentrate lucrative targets, and attract potential criminals (Spelman 1993; Block and Block 1995). Such uses often give a neighborhood a bad reputation and increase the fear of crime…

The Evidence of Relationships Between Adult-Oriented Businesses and Community Crime and Disorder
The New York study…concluded that business locations with adult-oriented businesses had a significant loss of sales tax collections (42%) as compared to control areas…