Today’s Gazette reports on the December 14 Planning Board approval of Capital Video’s Site Plan. “Planning Board members David Wilensky and Paul Voss said, despite [Capital Video attorney Michael] Pill’s assurances, they were concerned whether Capital Video would hold to the city’s prohibition on sexually explicit or suggestive window displays.”
The Gazette notes that “Although the board granted its approval Thursday, city planner Carolyn Misch said residents can ask for a reconsideration during a 20-day appeal period.”
To contact Northampton’s Office of Planning and Development, go here.
NoPornNorthampton spoke with city planner Carolyn Misch on December 18 about the appeals process. Appeals can be filed with the Land Court or Superior Court. It would be wise to consult a lawyer with experience in real estate law before taking action.
Planning board appeals are only one avenue citizens can use to protect their interests. Complaints can be filed with the police, the building inspector, and other city officials as problems arise. Letters to local newspapers and other forms of publicity may also be appropriate.