Preserve Northampton, Former King Street Resident Asks Mayor

Albert Lavallee wrote the following to Mayor Higgins today…

As a former Northamptonite who resided at 128 King Street from 1939 to 1956, I think it is a travesty that [a porn] business could operate at the old Chevrolet Dealership. It would appear to me that any other business than a porn shop could successfully operate in this location. I would rather see the building torn down and made into a parking lot than into the business that is proposed. I was upset several years ago when two homes between 128 King and Summer Street were removed to make way for a Dunkin’ Donut shop. Northampton has a rich history and should be cultivated and preserved. We here, in Augusta, Georgia, successfully blocked a porn shop from opening in a well-traveled corridor into the city. I believe that you can do it also.

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